
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ronin on the Radio

So, this is reposted from the Ronin Blog, presented here for you to enjoy in the default Blogger font, rather than the default Wordpress font:

Buongiorno Ronineschi!

I had two opportunities to speak on the radio about the motivation and goals of the Ronin Institute this week.

Yesterday, I was on WBUR's Radio Boston, along with Victoria Blodgett, Associate Dean and Director of Career Services for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Yale. If you're interested in listening, you can find the segment here.

On Monday, I was interviewed on New Hampshire Public Radio's Word of Mouth (listen here). The WBUR segment is about 25 minutes, while the Word of Mouth segment is something like 10-12. 

The WBUR segment was called "nice and didactic" on twitter, which I choose to interpret as a compliment.

F*** me Ray Bradbury, RIP

So, Ray Bradbury passed away yesterday. It's a sad occasion, but the best thing in these cases is to celebrate the person's life.

In that vein, here's this absolutely awesome (but completely NSFW) Rachel Bloom video from a couple of years ago.


h/t Jim Rutt.