
Monday, May 16, 2011

You know what, "God," I don't negotiate with terrorists

So, do you know what caused the rash of tornadoes across the southern United States at the end of april? Something about temperature inversions and wind shear, you say?


According to the folks over at Faith2Action (via Wonkette), the problem is the trifecta of insufficient forced birth, insufficient sexual bigotry, and insufficient shitting on Palestinians:
Is God trying to get our attention?
The worst tornado outbreak in American history has left hundreds dead.   Mississippi flooding has not been this bad in 80 years.  Wildfires have swept through millions of acres in Texas and Oklahoma. 
There are a number of things that could give God reason to at least partially lift His protective Hand from America, including the millions of abortions done here each year, the flaunting of sexual sin, and our recent treatment of Israel.
Any support that the U.S. provides for dividing the Holy Land risks God’s wrath against us.  Rabbi Aryeh Spero says that a division could displace 400,000 Jews from their homes and more Christian holy sites would fall under Muslim control.
Pray that this will not happen and that many Americans will give their undivided attention to God.
Of course, this type of statement is not really news. Every time anything bad happens, from tornadoes to 9/11, there are always religious leaders who come forward to claim responsibility that "God" is punishing us for something or other.

Two things.

First, it's interesting that "God" always seems to be punishing us for something that just so happens to be a current hot-button political issue.

Second, the punishment almost always seems to come in the form of killing a whole bunch of people who have no connection to the relevant policy decisions.

Some gay people get married in Massachusetts, so you murder a whole bunch of people in Alabama? I'm sorry, but those are not the actions of some benevolent Universe-creating deity, those are the actions of an abusive psychopath.

Now I'm not claiming that Faith2Action caused the tornadoes, but their actions in the wake of the tragedy are no different from any group claiming responsibility for a terrorist act: "A bunch of people are dead, and if you don't do what we want, a bunch more are going to die."

In any other context, from an abusive marriage to a hostage situation, it is clear who the bad guy is. It is also clear what you should do. You have to tell Faith2Action's "God" to go to hell (as it were), because otherwise they'll just be back with more demands the next time a river floods or some lunatic carries a bomb into a marketplace, and the cycle of abuse with perpetuate itself.

That's the first rule in these situations: we don't negotiate with terrorists.

I have an impulse to apologize to anyone who was offended by this post, but I'm going to resist it. You see, there are a lot of religious people I know and respect, but I would hope that they all see the distinction between "God" and God.

If you're irreligious, or believe in a hands-off type of God, you probably already share my view that it is disgusting when religious leaders exploit tragedy to push a political agenda.

If you believe in a God who is a more active participant in human affairs, I hope that you were not offended by my post, although you might well be offended by arrogance and blasphemy inherent in someone's claiming to know why God allowed these tragedies to occur.

But what if you believe in a "God" who uses mass murder to push a political agenda, and you think that you're the one who gets to tell everyone what that political agenda is? Well, you probably were offended by this post, but I also don't apologize to terrorists.


  1. On would think this style of "God" would have more followers in Alabama, Texas or Oklahoma than in unfaithful anger God and in response God murders his faithful? Curiouser and curiouser...

  2. I'm italian. The second most important person in our National Research Center recently stated that natural disasters such as tsunami in Japan are due to God's wrath against human nations. It is amusing to think that such a man has the power to grant reasearch funding... I really wonder about his criteria. This post is a perfect answer to his position, anyway. Nice blog!

  3. Yeah, dude, I second Jeremiah and selerian. You're a frickin' genius in plainclothes. D.E.C. rocks, best thing a webpage ad has ever referred me to. And surprisingly, they've referred me to some pretty good things.
